As Told To Jeanette

Jeanette Niwabine
3 min readMar 12, 2021




But as you know bambi Mukama teyalabira bantu be, as time went on, I don’t really know what happened but this man ceased asking about the child’s DNA however he still wasn’t sure.

I remember the last time we talked about it, he told me that he never wanted us to quarrel again about the being of our child and he promised not to talk about it one more time but he still told me that when the child grows up to the age of two, he would take him away from me.

Ehhh! He further mentioned that after the kid being taken away from me I was never going to be allowed to see or meet him again all my entire life and that was the most horrible part of my life. How could I not be in position to see my child when he was all I ever had.

Besides, I couldn’t be sure that there was really nothing that was going to happen to me or the kid after our separation. I knew I loved the man but I didn’t trust him that much to let him take my child away. What if he had plans of murdering him or me? What if the child was to be sacrificed?

Owing to the fact that he had said that we wouldn’t meet again, that really raised a lot of suspicions for me. I couldn’t accept it but neither could I question his decisions.

That was all part of the plan he said that if I gave him an heir, he would be his. He promised that the child was going to be fine even without me but I didn’t trust that. He said that he would treat him well and all, I knew he had the money to do as he wished but how was that going to be possible. The boy was still young and I told him so.

I was so scared of my boy growing without me in his life. Would he ever feel like I existed in his life anyway! I wondered to myself.

I told my friend about it and all he told me was to rebel ag9inst that kinda of idea that I should at least tell him to wait until the boy was about ten. That was really a lot of time and there was no way Mr. X would accept that.

There were a lot of questions running all through my head for a very long time. What if he get to take the child and then takes him for DNA testing and finds out that the child isn’t his? Wouldn’t I lose my life

You know this man had tempers and could really act in ways that weren’t that easy. He was very unpredictable.

Did the child being away from me mean that I had to move out Mr. X’s life? Or I would still stay as a mere concubine because I guess that was all I ever was for him and now that he had gotten wat he sought, he would get rid of me?

It was all hard for me , but my brain never stopped racing to find away.

Continued to part 15.

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